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Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology ▶32:02
【理科】中3-17 有性生殖と無性生殖の特徴 ▶8:46
development of the placenta-labor and delivery - birth-embryology-placental maternal side formation ▶12:16
development of the placenta-labor and delivery - birth-embryology-placental maternal side formation ▶18:08
【いちぷら塾】解剖学 8生殖器系 1-1.男性生殖器(精巣) *あん摩マッサージ指圧師、鍼灸師 ▶45:51
【いちぷら塾】解剖学 8生殖器系 1-1.男性生殖器(精巣) *あん摩マッサージ指圧師、鍼灸師 ▶5:26
解剖学、生理学、人体の不思議【いちぷら塾】 ▶15:40
【いちぷら塾】解剖学 8生殖器系 2 3女性生殖器(子宮) *あん摩マッサージ指圧師、鍼灸師 ▶4:55
【いちぷら塾】解剖学 8生殖器系 2 3女性生殖器(子宮) *あん摩マッサージ指圧師、鍼灸師 ▶9:23
解剖学、生理学、人体の不思議【いちぷら塾】 ▶2:20
Puberty Changes in Girls - updated version ▶2:30
Pediatric Urology: Is Your Child’s Penis Size Healthy? - Urology Care Podcast ▶8:56
Pediatric Urology: Is Your Child’s Penis Size Healthy? - Urology Care Podcast ▶25:03
How to clean your penis 🍌👀 Puberty for Boys Stages ▶16:37
Intersex Children: Waiting to Decide on Sex Surgery? ▶23:09
Don’t Freak Out About Your Child’s Penis Size | Connecticut Children's ▶10:41
Don’t Freak Out About Your Child’s Penis Size | Connecticut Children's ▶16:27
Help kids learn why it’s important to keep private parts private [with Tusky & Friends] ▶46:45
Help kids learn why it’s important to keep private parts private [with Tusky & Friends] ▶0:47
Physical Examination of a Premature Infant ▶2:42
osce assessment ▶2:18
Assessment of male perineal genital care ▶28:12
Clinical examination of the child part 2 ▶36:50
CNA Skills * 12 : Give the Resident Perineal Care (Female Resident) ▶9:23
CNA Skills * 12 : Give the Resident Perineal Care (Female Resident) ▶6:28
Physiology of Micturition ▶24:05
Atbaa Pediatrics General Examination - OSCE ▶27:43
Child Examination part 1 ▶26:48
Pediatric Surgical Associates, LTD - Minneapolis, MN - CARE Center ▶9:00
Pediatric Surgical Associates, LTD - Minneapolis, MN - CARE Center ▶9:31
Warning Signs of Syphilis ▶9:51
Clinical Obstetric Examination ▶41:13
OBG Discussion Forum -Dr. Garani Anil Thimmanayaka ▶1:58
Head to Toe Assessment (Nursing School) ▶1:48
Assessment of Male Genitalia I Return Demonstration ▶6:38
Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. Vulvitis. ▶17:28
How I Suffered Female Genital Mutilation | Minutes With | @LADbible ▶8:17
How I Suffered Female Genital Mutilation | Minutes With | @LADbible ▶13:51
pediatric head to toe assessment ▶2:31
Head to toe assessment ▶1:16
Amyoplasia Physical Examination ▶3:02
Little Arms: a resource for parents and physicians ▶0:29
Pediatrics General examination ▶2:18
from fertilization to childbirth | 3d medical animation | by Dandelion Team ▶5:52
from fertilization to childbirth | 3d medical animation | by Dandelion Team ▶42:48
Physical Exam ▶2:15
Gender Identification - Ultrasound Scanning Technique ▶8:07
Gender Identification - Ultrasound Scanning Technique ▶1:29
Dr. Pete talks about teaching about private parts ▶3:11
👀Lets talk about testicals ✔ ▶15:50
Pediatric Assessment ▶22:33
Foreskin Care for Boys ▶17:18
Head to Toe Assessment ▶1:20
Genital Hygiene & Anatomy for Children ▶16:36
Male and female baby identification ▶3:02
How To Talk To Preschoolers About Anatomy & Body Safety | Planned Parenthood Video ▶3:15
How To Talk To Preschoolers About Anatomy & Body Safety | Planned Parenthood Video ▶1:37
Shocked mum reveals depiction of male genitalia on child’s toy ▶21:05
Shocked mum reveals depiction of male genitalia on child’s toy ▶1:28:45
Introduction to HPV ▶33:22
Mum SOS: Your Vagina After Childbirth – How Your Vagina Changes ▶10:42
Mum SOS: Your Vagina After Childbirth – How Your Vagina Changes ▶9:26
Comprehensive Physical Assessments Video ▶6:54
Child Touching own private parts| Baby touching own private parts| Causes and treatment ▶1:32
Child Touching own private parts| Baby touching own private parts| Causes and treatment ▶20:56
Do I Have Chlamydia? Symptoms of Chlamydia ▶41:19
Causes of Urine Infection in toddlers and how to treat it? - Dr. Vivekanand M Kustagi ▶4:51
Causes of Urine Infection in toddlers and how to treat it? - Dr. Vivekanand M Kustagi ▶4:13
Doctors' Circle World's Largest Health Platform ▶8:15
How to teach children about their private parts? - Fathima Khader ▶25:08
How to teach children about their private parts? - Fathima Khader ▶0:56
Doctors' Circle World's Largest Health Platform ▶2:03
The Day Hayley Had Surgery (WK 198) | Bratayley ▶2:33
Head-to-Toe Assessment ▶6:37
Per vaginal examination procedure for nursing students 👩⚕💊🩺💉 ▶8:05
Per vaginal examination procedure for nursing students 👩⚕💊🩺💉 ▶1:04
Nursing Procedures videos by Neena Lalta C.Instruc ▶6:04
Private pictures rarely stay private. ▶2:35
20.147_ Pemasangan Kateter pria pada anak-anak ▶2:01
Timeline: If You Were Kicked In The Balls Non-stop ▶2:45
Family speaks out after child's gender questioned at track meet ▶3:33
Family speaks out after child's gender questioned at track meet ▶11:04
Testicular Palpation Technique | How to Examine Testicles - OSCE Guide | UKMLA | CPSA ▶3:38
Testicular Palpation Technique | How to Examine Testicles - OSCE Guide | UKMLA | CPSA ▶30:40
Physical Assessment ▶8:09
General Pediatrics Board Review ▶3:59
Complete Physical Exam - 32 minutes ▶5:21
Video Cystoscopy Actual Procedure [ENG SUB] ▶6:50
General examination of a Child (Pediatrics) ▶8:59
Neonatal Examination ▶17:54
Transillumination | Scrotal Examination - OSCE Guide | UKMLA | CPSA ▶5:40
Transillumination | Scrotal Examination - OSCE Guide | UKMLA | CPSA ▶12:06
Pediatric Rheumatological Examination - Dr. Mohammed Muzzafer ▶4:14
Pediatric Rheumatological Examination - Dr. Mohammed Muzzafer ▶52:51
「男女にある体の性の様々なカタチ DSDs:*体の性の様々な発達(*性分化疾患)の新しい基礎知識」筑波大学教育関係共同利用拠点事業e-learningコンテンツ ▶1:24
「男女にある体の性の様々なカタチ DSDs:*体の性の様々な発達(*性分化疾患)の新しい基礎知識」筑波大学教育関係共同利用拠点事業e-learningコンテンツ ▶1:44
ネクスDSDジャパン:日本性分化疾患患者家族会連絡会 ▶8:15
中3理科『3つの無性生殖』*栄養生殖との違いも解説 ▶18:21
【奇病】12歳の少女から男性器が生えてくる!?世にも珍しい奇病「ゲヴェドース」を漫画にしてみた。 ▶0:19
【奇病】12歳の少女から男性器が生えてくる!?世にも珍しい奇病「ゲヴェドース」を漫画にしてみた。 ▶10:17
9-Year-old Child fear for surgery - General Anesthesia ▶4:05
Basic Well Child Exam: Saint Louis University School of Medicine Pediatric Rotation ▶28:45
Basic Well Child Exam: Saint Louis University School of Medicine Pediatric Rotation ▶1:19
August 2023 - Pediatric Urology_SOCIAL 1.mp4 ▶25:19
How do I bath my baby? | NHS ▶14:41
How to Give an IM Intramuscular injection in the Buttocks | Dorsogluteal Hip Injection Technique ▶
How to Give an IM Intramuscular injection in the Buttocks | Dorsogluteal Hip Injection Technique ▶
Total Assessment Part 3 of 3 ▶
Overview of Pediatric Assessment PALS 2010 ▶
How to Perform a Testicular Cancer Self Exam ▶
Basic Clinical Skills: Urinary Catheterisation (male) ▶
Pediatric Skin Assessment ▶
What CBC found on Omegle ▶
Do pediatricians check your vagina? ▶
How to...perform a newborn check ▶
General examination of a boy with description , Bangla (Pediatrics) [ Dhaka medical College] ▶
General examination of a boy with description , Bangla (Pediatrics) [ Dhaka medical College] ▶
SB Infant Urine Collection Training ▶
Example of Physical Assessment ▶
General Examination | DMC |Paediatrics *General_examination *paediatrics *abdomen *finalprof ▶
General Examination | DMC |Paediatrics *General_examination *paediatrics *abdomen *finalprof ▶
Undescended testicle: what to look out for in your newly born son - Online interview ▶
Undescended testicle: what to look out for in your newly born son - Online interview ▶
Foley Catheter Skills Demonstration (2 of 3) ▶
Paediatric Cardiovascular Examination - OSCE Guide - MUMPS ▶
Paediatric Cardiovascular Examination - OSCE Guide - MUMPS ▶
MUMPS Manchester University Paediatrics Society ▶
Nursing Newborn Physical Exam ▶
Video 6 semiologia ▶
What it’s like to fight for health care as a trans teen ▶
gi pediatric physical exam 😌 ▶
Neurological Examination ▶
Pass MRCPCH - London Paediatrics Trainees Committee ▶
The ethics of infant male circumcision - University of Oxford ▶
The ethics of infant male circumcision - University of Oxford ▶
GRAPHIC!!!! Baby born with Anencephaly exposed brain, EndOfNumbers ▶
GRAPHIC!!!! Baby born with Anencephaly exposed brain, EndOfNumbers ▶
Baby getting shots/vaccinations right after birth ▶
Baby getting shots/vaccinations right after birth ▶
Skin Assessment ▶
Nursing Simulation Scenario: Physical Assessment ▶
No adult has the right to cut off part of a child's sex organ. Intact genitals are the most fundamental right of human existence. | Brother K ▶
No adult has the right to cut off part of a child's sex organ. Intact genitals are the most fundamental right of human existence. | Brother K ▶
Newborn Assessment (Sibcy) ▶
How to Get Your Children Out of Bed in the Morning | Supernanny ▶
How to Get Your Children Out of Bed in the Morning | Supernanny ▶
Physical Examination of the Neonate ▶
1 in 25 boys born with undescended testicles ▶
Genaral examination | Paediatrics | General Examination | MBBS | Dr Shamim Nawaz ▶
Genaral examination | Paediatrics | General Examination | MBBS | Dr Shamim Nawaz ▶
Head to toe assessment ▶
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